Shooters Grove Primary School

Wood Lane, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S65HN

0114 2342268


PE and School Sport

For regular updates on out of school competitions and PE please follow us on Twitter.

The PE Curriculum

Here at Shooters Grove Primary School PE is valued as an important part of every child's education. We endeavour to teach children the basic fundamentals of movement during KS1 before focusing on sporting skills and competition as they move through KS2. Every child has the opportunity to participate in two gymnastic and dance units each year as well as one outdoor and adventurous activity. These are complimented by a range of sports and games that feed into after school clubs, cluster events and level 2 competition against other schools in our locality. Our forward planning ensures that all children will have a range of sporting experiences whilst at Shooters Grove which all have pathways to competition and local clubs. 

PE and Sport Premium

In 2013 the government announced that it was to provide additional funding of £150 million per annum to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools in England – The Primary PE and Sport Premium. However, in October 2017, the Department for Education published new guidance on the doubled Primary PE and Sport Premium grant. This scheme is to be continued until at least 2020-21 and the aims for doubling the School Sports Premium can be found here:

School Swimming

In Year 4 all children attend an 18 week block of swimming with their class and teacher. In 2021, at the end of Year 6...

  • 70.5% could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.

How Have We Spent Our Sports Premium 2020-21?

For the 2020-21 academic year we received a total of £19,010 of Sports Premium funding. This has enabled us to employ a full time specialist sports coach, join the Forge Valley cluster of schools which promotes inclusion and ensure that we are able to travel to sporting events throughout the year. We have also invested heavily on a new climbing frame in KS1 to promote active break and lunch times for all children and a new projector in the KS2 hall that will be used to enhance indoor PE lessons.  A full breakdown of how the PE and sport premium was spent in 2020-21 can be found in the file below.

 Final 2021 Evidencing-the-Impact-of-the-Primary-PE-and-Sport-Premium.docxDownload
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What did we achieve in 2020-21?

  • British Cycling came into school to work with our Y5 and Y6 children to promote the new cycle track at Hillsborough Park.
  • 30 Y5 children completed their 'Bikeability' training.
  • Our Y4 children were able to attend their National Curriculum swimming sessions.
  • Y6 children were able to participate in the annual Athletics event at Woodburn Road Athletics Stadium.
  • As a school we took part in a pilot project for Major League Baseball.
  • We participated in many 'virtual' events where we competed in events against other schools in our locality.
  • Active Blasts became embedded within our timetable to promote the importance of physical health and wellbeing.
  • Health Week 2021 allowed us to showcase what amazing progress we have made as a physically active school over the past academic year.
  • We were able to hold and host parents at our annual Sports Day event, which we should be very proud of!
  • We earned our School Games Award for our efforts in PE and school sport despite the difficulties thrown at us by the pandemic.
  • We have earned a bronze award from ModeShift Stars for our active travel efforts and were on target to achieve our silver award.
  • A huge well done to all of our children who achieved so much in a year that, yet again, was so difficult for us all!

What are our aims in 2021-2022 for PE at Shooters Grove?

This academic year we are due to receive a minimum of £16,000 as part of the School Sports Premium funding. Our priorities this year are to promote physical and mental well being for all of our pupils on their return to full time education, continue to focus on giving more children an opportunity to represent Shooters Grove Primary School in both key stages and to continue the amazing PE journey that we have been on as a school in the past 6 years.