Shooters Grove Primary School

Wood Lane, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S65HN

0114 2342268


Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Your teachers in Year 3 are Mrs Smith, Miss MacPherson and Miss Ciandella, supported by Miss Greaves.


Our third topic of the year is Amazing Authors. Learn all about Flat Stanley during World Book Week and the life and stories of Roald Dahl! Be ready to learn all about 5 of the main monarchs in British history, become an atlas using, map reading genius in geography and learn all about light in science.


Look forward to writing balanced arguments and newspaper articles for our Flat Stanley text before moving on to the wonderful world of Roald Dahl.


This theme sees us working with money and learning how to give change, looking at statistics where we will be generating data and tables and finally moving on to our work on fantastic fractions.

Term 1 (Autumn)

Ancient Egypt

Term 2 (Spring)


Term 3 (Summer)

Stone Age to Iron Age




You will find out about...

- WHY shadows are formed

- WHICH foods we need to eat to stay healthy and teeth

- WHAT is attracted to a magnet

- HOW to record your observations


You will become...

- A weather forecaster

- A designer

- An editor

- A message sender

- A programmer


You will..

- Learn new singing games

- Become a class orchestra

- Compose your own melodies and songs

- Learn to read some musical notes.


In Y3 we encourage all children to read at home for at least 10 minutes, 3 times per week. This is very important to your child and will allow them to access the texts that we are reading within the classroom.

Curriculum Information for Parents

Please see the following documents for information about the curriculum taught in each theme, special events and how you can help at home.

Theme Overviews

Ancient Egypt




Amazing Authors


The Stone Age

Homework Menus



Theme 1



Theme 2


Theme 3


Theme 4