Shooters Grove Primary School

Wood Lane, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S65HN

0114 2342268


Code of Dress

Pupils at Shooters Grove wear black, grey or navy trousers or skirts, white polo shirts, a royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan and black shoes (without logos). Children should also wear black, sensible shoes without logos.

Sweatshirts and cardigans with the Shooters Grove logo on can be purchased online from our uniform supplier APC. The link to their website is here.

Children also need a P.E kit, black or navy shorts, white T-shirt and black pumps. It is advisable for your child to have a pair of tracksuit bottoms and an alternative sweatshirt for outdoor P.E during the winter months.

In the colder months, although necessary for the journey to/from school, we do not consider boots appropriate for all day, indoor wear and ask that black shoes are worn/provided for daily indoor use. 

In addition to the code of dress, we do not allow the wearing of make-up or nail polish. 



Whilst we would prefer children not to wear any jewellery in school, it has been agreed by Governors that children will be permitted to wear one small stud earring in each ear.

As stipulated by the Department for Education, these MUST be removed for all sessions of PE and swimming. We strongly suggest that earrings are not worn on these days as pupils will be asked to remove them independently (taping them is not an acceptable solution).  Parents planning to have their child’s ears pierced should consider the summer holiday period as the preferable time of year; this allows them sufficient time to heal before school. Parents must also accept responsibility for the fact that there are times of the day that are unstructured (break and lunchtimes) and that the wearing of earrings at these times could pose additional health and safety issues.

Please also be aware that staff take no responsibility for the loss of any jewellery removed in school. 



Please be advised that in line with the local secondary schools our children attend, we strongly discourage extreme haircuts or colour. Hair should be natural colours only.


The Dress Code is adhered to by all children in school and we thank parents/carers for your ongoing support in maintaining this high standard.