Shooters Grove Primary School

Wood Lane, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S65HN

0114 2342268


Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

The teachers in Year 5 are Miss Russell and Mr Smith and our teaching assistant is Miss Hallam. 

If you can promise to work hard, we can promise to make your time in Year 5 enjoyable, memorable and fun.

 Most of the work in Year 5 is organised around interesting and enjoyable themes which are:

  •  Invaders
  •  Rainforests
  •  Inventors and Innovators 
  •  Raging Rivers

 There are lots of opportunities to take part in a wide range of enrichment activities throughout the year.

We hope that we all enjoy our year together, work hard and learn lots!

What's it like to be in Year 5?

  “In Y5 it’s really good because you are upstairs and you can see everything.”

 “You feel really grown up in Year 5.”

 “The teachers are really nice.”

 “Y5 is exciting and you get to do really fun things.”

 “You get to earn more privileges and the work is more advanced.”


Our Learning 


We read and write a range of texts related to our themes including reports, diaries and persuasive texts. We also look at a variety of poems and stories by different authors and from different cultures and traditions.


We build on our mathematical skills and learn lots of new ways to solve number problems by using what we know to find out what we don’t know. It’s not all numbers though, we also continue to work on 2D and 3D shapes and enjoy collecting and interpreting data linked to our interests.


We continue to improve our scientific skills and knowledge across the four themes.  We will look at:

  • Life cycles
  • Food chains
  • Forces
  • Earth and Space
  • Changing states


In October, we will be visiting Tatton Park to launch our Viking theme.

In November, we will visit ‘Peak Venture’, a residential, outdoor activity centre near Penistone. This is an excellent opportunity for you to take part in lots of adventurous activities including archery and climbing.

Throughout the year, we will make good use of our locality for history and geography work.


Curriculum Information for Parents

Please see the following documents for information about the curriculum taught in each theme, special events and how you can help at home.


Theme Overviews 

Invaders and Settlers 

Re-live the legacy of the Anglo-Saxons; find out abut the invasions, their settlements and their way of life. 


Discover the rainforests of the world and the hidden treasures that lay within. Find out about the country of Brazil. 

Inventors and Innovators

Investigate famous inventions from the past and focus on the history of entertainment. Be in charge of your own stall at our Y5 Funfair! 

Raging Rivers

Find out how rivers are formed and how they impact upon the landscape. Discover the past history of our local area and the impact of The Great Sheffield Flood. 



Homework Menus







Theme 1 




Theme 2


Theme 3


Theme 4